May 2-5, May 9-12, 2019
An outstanding musical with four Broadway revivals, LA MANCHA takes us with Don Quixote on his quest to right all the wrong in the world. At once funny and dangerous, this old knight travels the plains of Spain encountering prisoners, thieves, and murders but he does so with such innocent dedication audiences find themselves happy to join him in his wonderful search for real goodness in humankind. “The Impossible Dream” is the show-stopping song. Ages 12 and up.
Performances: Thursday – Saturday: 7:30 PM; Sundays: 3 PM
Debbie Lake
Deborah Lake has been active at BCP for over 30 years as an actress and last year became a board member and director. She has been an arts supporter in the tri- city area for decades and has acted and directed in all three venues in the tri-county area: Pit & Balcony in Saginaw, Bay City Players, and Midland Center for the Arts. Deborah recently retired from the USPS.

Ann Kukla